Monday, January 4, 2010


Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
View more presentations from bcanese.

Friday, November 27, 2009


LinkedIn is a business oriented social networking website like Facebook and Myspace. It has many other features but mostly business features. LinkedIn started up in May 2003 at many other social networking websites were successful. It has made it easy for people to find jobs and find employees for jobs. LinkedIn has business, social, news, entertainment and recreational purposes.

LinkedIn has made it easy for people to find jobs through the internet. Since you are connected with a large group of people you can can then be use LinkedIn to find jobs, people and business opportunities recommended by someone in one's contact network. You can put your resume on your LinkedIn to show people your qualifications.

LinkedIn can be used for social reasons to find people but mostly for job purposes. LinkedIn has little features with recreational, entertainment and news but people use the websites in hundreds of different ways.

Overall LinkedIn is a very helpful social networking website. It helps people find jobs and helps business's find employees.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Social Networking

Facebook and Myspace are two of the most popular websites used today. Not only are they used by teenagers but also adults and business's. They are two ways of social networking. Social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.

Social networking sites started as online communities through chat rooms. But they have sprung to other sites like Myspace, Twitter and Facebook. These sites can be used to find people, chat with people, find information about people and even play games. they can be used for business, social, entertainment, news and recreational purposes.

Business use Facebook for advertising purposes. Many business have Facebooks to put out there product or communicate to employees easily. Since so many people have facebooks it is easy for business to use facebook to there advantage. Business use mypsace to advtise there product on the side of the page.

Facebook/Myspace main purpose is probably social. People use them to find people and chat with people. Pictures can be added to see other people to put up your own pictures. It is easy to communicate with people so many teenagers and even adults use them for that reason.

Facebook isn't used that much for news but can be used for news to be spread to a mass amount of people because of the tremendous number of facebook users.

Facebook/Myspace can also be used for recreational purposes. Facebook has added many addicting games for all those users. Whether its playing snake or raising a farm facebook can be used for those enjoyments.

Myspace has a lot to do with entertainment. Many artists and bands have Myspaces to show off there music. Even though facebook has become more popular Myspace is still used to entertainment uses

Google Docs

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Google Docs is a free way for users to create and edit documents. This allows for documents to be shared between multiple users and only be in one place rather than many. Sharing documents is much easier. Google docs can be used for business, social, entertainment, news and recreational.

Google Docs originated from two separate products, Writely and Google Spreadsheets. These two products came together along with third product for presentations to become Google docs.

Google Docs has many pros and little cons. It is excellent for Business purposes because files can be seen and revised by multiple people. Big presentations that are shared between business's can be easily shared by whole company's. It is good for business's because it allows you to create and edit documents within a web page.

Google Docs inst used as much for entertainment, news, social and recreational reasons. It is still an easy way for people to send each documents. instead of sending out a bulk email, Google docs can be used to show people documents like pictures, worksheets and presentations.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is thanksgiving because of the excellent food and the football. My family makes some dishes that i love. My mom makes noodle pudding which i love and the desserts are always so good. I am very excited for tomorrow and hope the giants win.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Grades

my grades turned out excellent. i got a 4.15 and was happy with all of my grades

Monday, November 23, 2009


Every Thanksgiving we go to my aunts house. Thanksgiving is really special now because all of my cousins are in college so it is the only time we are all together. Thanksgiving is always the best holiday because of the football and the food. I cant wait to see everyone and hope there is amazing food.