Thursday, November 26, 2009

Google Docs

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Google Docs is a free way for users to create and edit documents. This allows for documents to be shared between multiple users and only be in one place rather than many. Sharing documents is much easier. Google docs can be used for business, social, entertainment, news and recreational.

Google Docs originated from two separate products, Writely and Google Spreadsheets. These two products came together along with third product for presentations to become Google docs.

Google Docs has many pros and little cons. It is excellent for Business purposes because files can be seen and revised by multiple people. Big presentations that are shared between business's can be easily shared by whole company's. It is good for business's because it allows you to create and edit documents within a web page.

Google Docs inst used as much for entertainment, news, social and recreational reasons. It is still an easy way for people to send each documents. instead of sending out a bulk email, Google docs can be used to show people documents like pictures, worksheets and presentations.

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