Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Review of Twitter

In today’s world, technology and connecting with other people is a huge part of society. Twitter is a site where people can connect with friends and famous celebrities. You can follow them and see what they re doing. People make status updates to show other people what they are doing at all time. In a world were everyone has computers and smart phones, twitter can be used on them. Twitter can be used for business, social, entertainment, news and recreational. There are both positives and negatives of all of these uses of twitter.

Business people like twitter because they get great insight when they ask questions people on Twitter spread their thoughts to new places. They also can connect with customers and employees easier.

Everyday people can also use twitter for social reasons. People can catch up on other people’s statuses by following them.

Famous celebrities also use twitter. Sports players use twitter to interact with other players and fans. Famous sports players like Shaq and Dwight Howard and players like Allen Iverson have used twitter to tell people what team they have been signed on.

News has also been told through twitter. Dramatic scenes from the emergency landing of a US Airways flight into the Hudson River were first seen on twitter. One user used their iPhone to take a picture of the scenes and then put it on there twitter.

Recreational uses of twitter are the same as the social uses of twitter.

Overall twitter has so many benefits. In a world were technology is huge twitter is an easy way to interact with other people. Businesses can use them, everyday people and even famous celebrities.

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